Francis Alÿs in collaboration with Cuauhtemoc Medina and Rafael Ortega, When Faith Moves Mountains, 2000-2002 (check out the video)
Artist and geographer Trevor Paglen coined the term 'experimental geography' back in 2002 and given his experience in the field who better than him could define this emerging genre?
Experimental geography means practices that take on the production of space in a self-reflexive way, practices that recognize that cultural production and the production of space cannot be separated from each another, and that cultural and intellectual production is a spatial practice. Moreover, experimental geography means not only seeing the production of space as an ontological condition, but actively experimenting with the production of space as an integral part of one's own practice. (More in his essay Experimental Geography: From Cultural Production to the Production of Space.)
Más sobre el proyecto en la reseña de wemakemoneynotart y en la web del mismo.
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