
AIAN Archive of anonymous narrated image (ceci c’est pas an interview archive)

The AIAN is, mainly, a micro-history of the private management of the photographic image that uses the scene of the narration and its registry as support. It is an author file which uses as departure point the construction of a data base with audio-visual registries of the moment at which different people, requested of by the project, illustrate their private photographic images -coming from their familiar albums- with an oral narration. Around this main file other data bases or sub-files are built. Sub-files are constructed to cross these registries, deepening in the relations between image, word, memory, forgetfulness, construction of the reality and relation between the great cultural stories and the narrative and construction of the intimate memory.

According to several authors it is not possible to talk just about photography since the photographic practice includes all a series of human performances before and after “click” of the camera. There is one second photographic practice, that that goes since it is decided if a photography is conserved or not, and that happens through all a series of behaviors essential to understand the complex verb “to photograph”. To the light of these ideas “to photograph” becomes a complex act that includes all these practices: to reveal or not to reveal the image, to organize it next to others, to teach it, to narrate it, to trim it, to manipulate it and the practice that interest more here, the scene in which an individual uses the photography as a mean, when meet people and talk on the photography or through the photography.

First stage of the AIAN, sgce (section Spanish Civil War), produced by the Museum Patio Herrariano of Valladolid (Spain), has been a project of travel and registry by the Spanish State looking for places and people to create narrative scenes with photographies of the time of the Civil War as means. The conversations have been registered in video and later edited. These conversations have been oriented to the relation of the proprietor with the photography and that performance could framed within that second photographic practice to which we talked about.

Para más, en AIAN, parte del muy interesante proyecto amateur archivist.

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